How Bad Weather Can Impact Your Roof

How Bad Weather Can Impact Your Roof

How Bad Weather Can Impact Your Roof

When the weather turns bad, it’s natural to worry about the safety of your home. Severe storms can cause damage to your roof and leave you with costly repairs. To avoid having to deal with any unexpected damage, it is important that you know how different types of bad weather can affect your roof and what steps you should take to protect it.

Rain and Wind Damage

Rain and wind are two of the most common forms of bad weather that can have an impact on your roof. Heavy rains will saturate your shingles, causing them to dry out over time, resulting in cracking and other issues that can lead to water leakage. Strong winds can also cause shingle damage by loosening them from their moorings or even lifting them up entirely. In extreme cases, high winds may even be able to lift off a section of your roof if not properly secured.

Hail Damage

Hail is another type of bad weather that can wreak havoc on roofs. Hailstones are incredibly hard and heavy, which makes them capable of doing serious damage to both asphalt shingles and metal roofs alike. Hitting a metal roof directly with hail can create dents in it, while hitting asphalt shingles will cause them to crack or break apart entirely. Smaller hailstones may not cause any noticeable damage right away but they can still weaken the structure over time.

Snow Damage 

Unlike rain or hail, snow accumulates on top of the roof instead of impacting it directly as it falls from the sky. Snow buildup is one of the most common causes for roof collapses due to its weight being too much for the structure underneath. To prevent this from happening, it is important that you get your roof regularly inspected for any signs of structural weakness and clean out any built-up snow before it has a chance to do real harm to your home’s exterior. 


Bad weather such as rain, wind, hail, and snow all have different ways in which they can negatively impact your roof. Knowing how each type of bad weather affects your roof allows you to better prepare for potential damages so that you can avoid costly repairs down the road when possible. Regularly getting your roof inspected for any signs of structural weakness caused by bad weather and cleaning out built-up snow during winter months are essential steps towards protecting your home from any potential damages caused by bad weather conditions in your area. 

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